Django Development Services

From initial discovery and concept design to post-release and DevOps, we proactively address project challenges upfront and provide our clients with predictable and transparent product delivery through Django development services.

We focus exclusively on Django web development services to reinforce your development with deep, all-around tech expertise and introduce truly predictable and transparent product delivery.

I see the benefit of choosing a vendor that’s focused on Python. Their focus on Python is very apparent in their efficiency and interactions with me. There are no distractions, and they’re very focused on what I need.

Michael McCarthy

Michael McCarthy

CEO and Founder, Repositax


Our Django development services

Django Website Development
Because of its “batteries included” approach, Django is a perfect language for developing a fully working application out of the box without spending hours on customization. Having over 12 years of experience as a Django development agency, our developers know how to create a scalable website, no matter whether it’s an MVP for your startup or complex software for your organization.
Django Web App Development
Our team will help you develop custom and scalable Django web apps for your industry that will handle large volumes of traffic and process volumes of information. You can focus on your business, while we handle the technical side.
Django Mobile App Development
If you want to build cross-platform applications, Django is a good choice. It’s a powerful web framework and in combination with React Native, it gives full freedom in creating performing mobile applications with a robust backend system. Being experts in both frameworks, we will provide you with a tech consultation to choose the best tech stack for your app.
Django API Development
Django REST toolkit is a flexible framework for creating ready-to-use APIs in just a few lines of code. We will help you develop an API that meets your requirements and processes different types of data.
Django eCommerce Development
With solid experience in creating e-commerce projects, we know how to create a seamless shopping experience for your customers. Django includes dedicated eCommerce frameworks, including Oscar, Saleor, Django-Shop, and Shuup, making it a perfect choice for SEO-optimized, secure, and scalable e-commerce platforms.

The benefits you get from engaging with our Django powerhouse.

Rapid time to market

We have a rich background in building MVPs rapidly and transforming them into market-leading products. For more than a decade, we’ve taken advantage of flexibility, portability, extensive libraries, and the ‘batteries included’ features of Python & Django to help our partners enter markets faster.

Python is both strong and dynamically typed language — it brings flexibility and development speed. Combined with batteries included, large amount of libraries and tools for any purpose, and efficient bugs mitigation, it makes Python a solid choice for rapid product development. Though, fast time-to-market is not the only thing that defines Python.

Roman Osipenko

Roman Osipenko

CTO of Django Stars


Tech Stack we use for custom Django development


Our experience in Django helps us develop feature-rich and scalable products. We will choose a suitable framework for your project based on the industry, scalability, load, and volume of processed information.

  • FAST API - a high-performance framework for creating APIs with Python.
  • Pyramid - a lightweight Python web framework for transforming small web apps into big web apps.
  • Twisted - API for building powerful and flexible web applications.
Database managemen

Our Django development team works with top-notch databases to build full-scale solutions for your business needs.

  • PostgreSQL: a reliable and robust database solution. We also work with MySQL, MariaDB, MS SQL, and Oracle Database to suit specific project needs.
  • Redis: increases performance and data improves data retrieval thanks to its high-speed key/value storage.
  • MongoDB: a great document-oriented database if your project requires flexibility and scalability.
  • Elasticsearch: a full-text search database that provides powerful indexing and search capabilities.

Our cloud-based CI/CD solutions ensure seamless integration and deployment workflows.

  • Github Actions, Circle CI.
  • Gitlab CI, Drone, Bitbucket Pipelines, and Azure Pipelines.

Our tech team will build a reliable and scalable infrastructure depending on your project size.

  • VPS with Docker for small/mid projects: ensures efficient deployment and management for smaller-scale endeavors.
  • Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud Platform for larger projects:  to support robust infrastructure requirements.

Book a meeting to discuss how we can help you with our tech expertise

Book a meeting

We cover every aspect of building, improving, and transforming your digital product

Django Web App Development

Build a web product from the ground up — as your tech partner, we’ll drive you through all the peculiarities of research, engineering, launch, and help with post-release scaling and maintenance.

Build a product

Team Extension

Empower your team with our engineers to accelerate the development, fill the gaps in your squad’s expertise, and stick to the timelines in a resource-efficient, transparent manner.

Empower your team

Django Mobile App Development

Develop your mobile app comprehensively. We’ll manage the tech stack, integrations, and will provide guidance throughout the entire product lifecycle.

Upgrade your products

Django Migration and Reengineering

Upgrade your digital products to meet new market requirements and standards or migrate your solutions to introduce enhanced performance and security — with our Django web development services, you get both engineering power and advisory.

IT Advisory

From the tech stack composition to the long-term technology strategy, we consult our customers at every stage of product development to unleash their products’ potential.

Get an advisoty
case studies
Together, we’ve designed a platform that enables Molo customers to get instant mortgage approvals fully online.
Taking advantage with our Django developers’ expertise to build a product rapidly, Molo Finance has built an MVP in 8 months, got to the market faster, and became the 1st digital mortgage lender in the UK.
What’s under the hood?
  • Property and credit validation tools
  • Automated legal maintenance tools
  • Personalization mechanisms
  • Custom mortgage calculators
  • ID verification features
  • Experian and Onfido integrations
The 1st
digital mortgage lender in the UK
mortgage applications submitted in 2021
over £270M in investments
For 10 years of partnership, we’ve created a MoneyPark platform and transformed it into a market-leading fintech solution.
Driving clients through getting a mortgage, MoneyPark utilizes large sets of tools and features to gather, analyze, and process data, and introduces rich B2B functionalities. Together, we’ve built a highly performant and secure enterprise solution — and we keep going
What’s under the hood?
  • Finance analysis and calculations tools
  • Property evaluation tools
  • Data analysis automation
  • Tax optimization features
  • Interfaces for banks and real estate agencies
  • B2B Finance Park platform
mortgage broker in the Swiss market
CHF 3.4B
annual mortgage volume
Part of Helvetia Insurance Group
For 10 years of cooperation, we’ve turned a diving logbook startup into the world’s #1 booking platform for scuba divers.
PADI Travel handles high loads and offers advanced capabilities for 10k+ local businesses. Together, we’ve introduced a custom booking mechanism, rich filtering, 50+ currencies support, automated price calculations, and embodied location-based mobile apps.
What’s under the hood?
  • High-load booking engine
  • Personalization features
  • Custom shopping mechanisms
  • Advanced filtering system
  • Coronavirus Scuba Diving Status map
  • B2B platform for local businesses
Worlds #1
booking platform for scuba divers in the world
products listed
Set your business up for long-term success
Contact us

They built our entire application website using Django and React, which was quite complex. The platform is live, we have customers, and we’re a growing business. The feedback has been positive, and some people have been very impressed.

It is a fairly stable proposition that I think our customers are happy with.


The project was delivered on time and looked fantastic. We had been working closely together so we had come to know what to expect. DjangoStars is a solid team that can be relied upon to build a beautiful and robust tech solution to solve your problems.


They do well in terms of management, organization, and development. But their strongest advantage is that they focus not only on the product’s needs but our business needs. They think of functionalities, features, architecture, but also analyze such things from a business perspective — like the ease and costs of scaling, meeting user requirements and specifics, etc.


More technologies and integrations

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Solutions powered by Django Stars

As technical experts, we aim to provide a solid basis for our clients’ business prosperity rather than engineering only. We eliminate risks in the early project stages, align tech and business needs, and embody your requirements into successful products.

The first fully digital mortgage lender in the UK

£270M raised in investments

The world’s #1 booking platform for scuba divers

5M+ product listings

Switzerland’s largest mortgage broker

150+ B2B partners

The platform to search for, evaluate, and purchase real estate

35M+ properties with appraisals listed

A video and interactive content-focused education platform

1M+ videos uploaded

Frequently Asked Questions

Django is extremely flexible and allows you to build almost anything your business may require — in a reliable, resource-efficient manner. As a Django development agency, we wield multiple frameworks and compose tech solutions that make it for your business from both short and long-term perspectives.