ISO: meaning and why does it matter?

Jun 3, 2024
9 min read
ISO: meaning and why does it matter?

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Suppose you’re looking for a dedicated team to develop something cool. Surely, you’ll have to add new features and make updates over time. But choosing a trusted contractor is a tricky task.

It’s not the best idea to evaluate a contractor’s team by their attitude and simplicity in communication. Their presentation may give more data, but it’s still insufficient for a balanced decision.

However, for an unbiased evaluation, it’s reasonable to pay attention to the team’s verified processes and compliance with best practices. An easy way to do this is by comparing them to industry standards. And this is where we are now.

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ISOfication completed

Django Stars has been focused on building clear and standardized processes since the company was founded. That’s why we’ve earned in 2019 and proved in 2020 our ISO certifications in 3 categories:
ISO: meaning and why does it matter? 1
To us, earning ISO certification signals more than just a careful, one-off effort so we can hang a shiny certificate on the wall. It’s proof that we have a constant willingness to adhere to these standards on a daily basis.

So what is ISO 9001’s meaning and ISO 27001’s meaning? And why do we keep directing our efforts in this field? Let’s look into it.

What is ISO Certification?

First, let’s see what the meaning of ISO is. ISO abbreviation stands for the International Organization for Standardization, which develops recognized global standards for the quality, safety, and efficiency of products, services, and systems. There are many ISO standards for different purposes designed with input from organizations from around the world. Each of them can strengthen your business in a certain way.

Significance of ISO

ISO standards are internationally recognized quality norms considered the best practices in various industries: IT, healthcare, logistics, security, energy infrastructure, management, agriculture, engineering, construction, government, and dozens of others. Today, there are over 23,000 ISO certification types, estimating a high level of b2b and b2c services for all business sectors.

ISO certification is a big deal for organizations because it promises significant benefits. Here are the most perceptible ones:

  • Meeting the client’s requirements is one of the ISO strategic benefits. A business enhances its long-term competitiveness in the market. Customers are more loyal to certified companies, increasing customer satisfaction.
  • ISO quality certification allows companies to boost their revenue by entering different markets and meeting new opportunities. ISO-certified products have no problem when entering even the most demanding US or European markets.
  • Quality management system strongly elevates internal working processes in a company. As a result, business works as a clock and generates much higher revenue.
  • ISO certification also impacts an organization’s professional culture, changing employees’ working attitudes. Moreover, top managers become more informed about the internal situation to make more accurate business decisions.

ISO compliance alone informs your partners and clients about your serious business attitude. Even if you don’t match all requirements or don’t have the resources to undergo certification, it tells a lot about the company’s processes, product quality, and safety.

ISO/IEC 27001

But what does the ISO 27001 certification mean? This international standard for information security management systems (ISMS) ensures that organizations provide maximum protection of customer data. It defines 114 information security controls designed to protect data from ever-present and evolving threats such as cybercrime, personal data breaches, vandalism/terrorism, fire/damage, misuse, theft, and viral attacks. Essentially, ISO 27001 is a framework for implementing, monitoring, and continually improving ISMS.

What this certification proves about Django Stars:

  • We are continuously enhancing our risk management to prevent information security incidents and reduce damage if they even happen. As an ISMS-accredited company, we are trusted by our clients to deal safely with their documentation and data.
  • Our business is more resilient. Our ISO 27001 certification shows that we carefully protect our brand against internal and external threats. Implementation of its benchmarks in our daily work allows no room for us to leave vulnerabilities unaddressed. We also strive to keep all our team members updated regarding information security.
  • We’re on the same page with the client. Since ISO requirements are the same for companies everywhere, our processes are in line with that of the client, thus further increasing trust and effectiveness.

What are the benefits for you?

  • Confidence in the strong protection of your data. Our adherence to the stringent security requirements of ISO 27001 gives you confidence that your data, intellectual property, and financial records (in all forms, from digital to hard copy or cloud) are constantly monitored, protected, and kept confidential according to an NDA.
  • Externally validated supplier. To be ISO 27001 certified, our cybersecurity practices must be verified at least once a year by an external auditor to ensure our operations are up to date and in compliance with ISO and regulatory requirements.
  • GDPR compliance. Given the increased governmental focus on data protection laws and regulations such as the UK Data Protection Act 2018 and the EU GDPR, companies should choose suppliers who can prove they adhere to these rules. As a global standard, ISO 27001 defines personally identifiable information controls that assist with GDPR compliance and support strong data security.

ISO: meaning and why does it matter? 2

ISO 9001

This is the globally recognized quality management system (QMS) standard for companies. It’s designed to regulate the processes used to create a product and deliver it to the customer. The main objective of ISO 9001 is quality control underpinned by the following seven key principles:

  • Customer focus
  • Leadership
  • Engagement of people
  • Process approach
  • Improvement
  • Evidence-based decision-making
  • Relationship management

What this certification proves about Django Stars:

  • We build a systematic approach to management and decision-making regularly assessed by an independent auditor. It also means we use our financial and time resources efficiently. Due to our transparency, our employees’ involvement in our processes is based on a thorough understanding of the company’s strategy.
  • Meeting the high requirements of ISO 9001, we ensure a higher level of quality control and process standardization. This enables us to compete in tenders and conform to the demanding industry standards.
  • We strive for effective process alignment. ISO 9001 regulates not only individual processes but also how they all interact. Planning, monitoring, and analyzing the quality of service ensures optimal organization and faster delivery.

What are the benefits for you?

  • Quality services and products. Guided by ISO 9001, Django Stars uses special software and advanced information technologies to continuously monitor quality. You can be confident in the quality of our services.
  • We listen to our customers. QMS includes requirements for suppliers and manufacturers to take into account the marginal utility of their products. Thus, our customer interactions allow us to quickly respond to recommendations, preferences, or complaints.
  • Full control of the production cycle within which the management methods are transformed. Flexible communication between company departments minimizes the probability of errors, which is especially important in the early stages of a project.

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ISO 14001

The ISO 14001 standard governs an Environment Management System (EMS). Its rules respond to growing concerns in modern society about the environmental impact of organizations, both locally and internationally. In IT, many executives tend to underestimate their involvement in this process. But we see that the reality is somewhat different: in the modern world, processes are closely intertwined. In particular, the EMS deals with your travel, equipment supplies, internal influences, and others.

What this certification proves about Django Stars:

  • We minimize environmental impact, both immediate and long-term. We live in this world. And our children will, too.
  • We aim to provide sustainable business development through strengthening our reputation, legal compliance, and entering international markets.
  • We care about the quality of our working environment. This increases employee engagement and allows us to collaborate with those who share our values.

What are the benefits for you?

  • Minimizing the environmental footprint. Working with an ISO-compliant vendor gives you confidence that product development will have a minimal ecological impact. Thus, our EMS can be aligned with your values and company image.
  • Compliance with relevant environmental legislation. This also affects your ability to scale your business.
  • A technical partner with awareness for sustainability. Django Stars cares about our environmental impact as much as we care about our social impact. We develop strong solutions with an eye to the future.

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Why ISO Matters?

There are three main reasons why ISO standards matter:

  • They help companies to boost their operational processes and business performance. This, in turn, dramatically increases consumer trust and credibility, improving an overall perception of a brand. Moreover, it helps to reduce costs and provide better outcomes for the company’s customers and stakeholders.
  • After adopting ISO standards, a company lowers technical trade barriers and improves its position in the international market. It facilitates economic security and creates a perfect framework for active growth.
  • ISO standards are recognized in many countries at a legislative level. When an organization becomes ISO-certified, it shows a certain high level of quality, data security, and other critical issues that may influence its performance in national markets.

ISO certificate is an undisputed quality indicator, so implementing ISO standards will positively affect every part of the organization’s performance.

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Now you know what does iso certification stand for and why ISOfication matters. It allows us to supplement our own experience with proven frameworks to ensure that we and our products are always at the top of their game. All other things being equal, choosing an ISO-certified supplier will benefit you as a client. As a result, working with us can offer you sharpened processes, a more responsible attitude to security, and the confidence that your software or mobile application will be designed to meet the highest international standards.

And at the same time, standardization doesn’t imply a lack of innovation. Because ISO guidelines help us improve our planning, monitoring, and analysis, Django Stars can keep its passion for creating fresh, outstanding solutions alive and well.

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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of adhering to ISO standards?
ISO certification is an international quality standard. If a company is ISO-certified, it meets rigorous quality management requirements. The main benefits of ISO certification for a company are enhanced credibility, improved customer satisfaction, process development, and an environment for continuous improvement.
What challenges do organizations face in implementing ISO standards?
Implementing ISO standards is a challenging process. During this process, a company may face the following difficulties:
  • Employee reluctance. ISO certification usually means severe changes in the workflow, so that it may receive a cold response from a team. Providing a proper training process and carefully explaining all ISO benefits to employees is crucial.
  • Implementation complexities. Many companies reject ISO certification because of technical and operational difficulties.
  • Financial Restrictions. ISO implementation is pricey; therefore, a limited budget can be problematic.
  • Lack of management commitment. Top managers must design a new, improvised QMS for compliance. Poor understanding of the implementation process will be a big problem.
How can organizations stay updated and compliant with evolving ISO standards?
Businesses maintain ISO certification by providing necessary working process updates and conducting regular internal audits. Moreover, a company must complete an external audit every three years to validate its ISO certification.

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