Alex Ryabtsev
Backend Competency & Tech Lead
Alex has 12+ years of experience in product development and specializes in backend engineering. He has expertise in Python and the Django framework. He started at Django Stars as a backend engineer and grew into an experienced and dedicated team leader. Alex has taken part in several of our major projects, including MoneyPark, Soft Activity, Clear Minds, Sanostro, Repositax, and Boa Lingua. He has an uncanny ability to find solutions that align with both the engineering and business sides of a project.
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Alex Ryabtsev
Backend Competency & Tech Lead
Alex Ryabtsev
Backend Competency & Tech Lead
Alex Ryabtsev
Backend Competency & Tech Lead
Alex Ryabtsev
Backend Competency & Tech Lead
Alex Ryabtsev
Backend Competency & Tech Lead
Alex Ryabtsev
Backend Competency & Tech Lead
Alex Ryabtsev
Backend Competency & Tech Lead
Alex Ryabtsev
Backend Competency & Tech Lead
Alex Ryabtsev
Backend Competency & Tech Lead